How to help ?
Water droplets form the ocean

there are many opportunities to help the association.

- Assist in the operation of the monastery of Bliss

- Participate in the expansion of the school of Khaltsi in Ladakh

- Sponsor a child, a family, a lama, a nun, a school, a monastery, a dispensary ...

Download the form to help


Make a donation

Association France Himalaya Tiers-Monde - 19 Rue Eridan - 91100 VILLABE – France - Tél.: 01 60 86 26 13– - Mail :
Association Loi 1901 parue aux JO du 10.03.1993 & du 20.12.1997

CCP de l’Association: FR 83 20041 01012 3504453D033 33 La Source – PSSTFRPPSCE